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   (952) 322-1177

Establishing The "Fair Market Value"
We utilize several different methods within the framework of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).  However, establishing this value is not all textbook - each practice has unique characteristics that must be taken into consideration.

It is our experience with over 350 transactions that allows us to best quantify and qualify these characteristics, weighing them against similar practices to determine the fair market value.


You will hear others discuss practice prices and values using theory alone, but all-too-often the theoretical model falls short of reality.  In the chiropractic profession, not every approach has equal relevance to overall value.

Did you know?

Practice Opportunities has been called as an expert witness and testified in numerous court cases about the real-world value of chiropractic practices. Buyers and sellers agree that we understand appraisals.


Objective Assessment
"Our first experience was with another company touting a large website who turned out to be unprofessional. The FCA recommended Loren to us. His experience and knowledge of the chiropractic profession produced an accurate and unbiased appraisal report." 
Credibility in Court
"Loren's accounting expertise and his experience in selling chiropractic practices added much credibility. His appraisal was superior to the other appraisal which was presented. Loren worked diligently with my attorney for our side to be well prepared in court."