Minnesota (4 opportunities)
1. St. Paul/Mpls/Roseville area. Solid, secure practice for sale in excellent location. Established 19 yrs. Well balanced cash/insurance payor mix. Solid patient community referrals. Div/Drop/Act also therapies, massage therapy. Sale includes 4,000 sq ft building with secure rental income. Excellent financing.
2. Shakopee. Prime upscale growth area. Established 5 years. Steady new patients from location and referrals. Div/FD/Instrument, therapies including laser. Opportunity to initially operate the practice, then buy. $115,000.
3. Minneapolis. Prime neighborhood by Walker Art Center. Established 29 yrs, doctor retiring. New patients from referrals and location. Good mix insurance/cash. Diversified/Act. Highly attractive office in quality building. Very low overhead. Asking only $54,000 including practice, equipment & furnishings, and seller transition assistance!
4. Moorhead. Solid family referral practice. Div/Drop/Act. Attractive 3,118 sq ft prof bldg in excellent location. Gross $263,675 with steady growth. Skilled staff. Financing available.
Omaha west suburb. Excellent location in busy center. Established 42 yrs. Gross $401,963. Skilled, experienced staff. Thompson/drop also high tech rehab. 2,700 sq ft. Doctor retiring. Asking only $225,000 including seller transition assistance. Financing available.
Wisconsin (7 opportunities)
1. La Crosse. Well equipped office ideally located. Gonstead. $287,782 gross. Long established, steady, secure practice. 110 patient visits per week. Cash with balanced payor mix. Skilled staff. Excellent financing available.
2. North Central WI major city. Very profitable family practice in popular, desirable city. Diversified, soft tissue, functional medicine, therapies. Referral cash practice! Skilled staff. Established 33yrs. Financing available.
3. La Crosse northside. Gross $238,477. 25 new patients / 338 patient visits avg per month. Well equipped, excellent lease location. Buy or associate.
4. La Crosse southside. Associate wanted. $40,000 base pay with generous bonus and benefits. Inviting office with skilled supportive staff. Substantial patient base. State of the art systems in place.
5. Brookfield. Established 36 yrs. Palmer package. Excellent location and visibility on main thoroughfare off Hwy 18 Alt I-94. Motivated seller! Asking price reduced to only $37,000 including practice, furnishings & equipment, and transition assistance.
6. Manitowoc area. East central along Lake Michigan. Long established family referral practice. Gross $243,177. Net $117,000. Div/Cox/FD also therapies. 2 part-time experienced CA's. Priced to sell. Doctor retiring.
7. Stevens Point/Plover area on I-39. Gross $515,240. 15 new patients / 550 patient visits avg per month. Manual and instrument adjusting, multiple therapies, nutrition. Skilled staff. Balanced payor mix. Asking $155,000. Financing available.